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The Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapist™ Training Institute treatment approach was developed by Dr. Dorie McCubbrey, PhD, MSEd, LPC, LAC, CEDS – it has been used in clinical practice for over 25 years. Using this approach, clients will learn to replace ED through practicing intuitive therapy techniques rooted in DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) & ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). Effective holistic healing practices, healthy coping strategies, and learning the recovery skills of intuitive eating, fitness, and living strategies are guided through a licensed Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy Certified Practitioner.

Light of Grace LLC recovery programs are guided through the EDIT curriculum and background in Early Childhood Education. Additionally, offering the option of mental health ministry model for participants to include Faith in their recovery work. Faith-based resources provided are led with a “Certified Hope Coach” trained in Mental Health Ministry leadership through NAMI Faith (National Alliance on Mental Illness Faith Network) programs “Fresh Hope for Mental Health” and “Grace Alliance Mental Health”.


The scars you share become lighthouses for other people who are headed to the same rocks as you hit.


God's Grace is not the light at the end of the tunnel.
It's the light that guides us through it! 

Recovery work is an individualized process designed to support the specific needs of each client, develop helpful coping tools, enhance overall wellness, and create a personal relapse prevention plan for ongoing
long-term recovery.


The certified eating disorder recovery coach and client work together to establish and work towards solution focused recovery goals to reintegrate and work at healing all physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health.

For more information about our individual sessions and groups, visit our Services & Support page, and to learn more go to our Education page.

The overall outcome is “whole recovery” – where the individual is free of eating disorders behaviors and has reconnected to life beyond the disorder, is continuing ongoing healing, and living life well for a future full of hope, renewed health, and purpose.

Reach out to us!


Eating Disorder, disordered eating, and related mental health recovery services, resources, support, community, and ministry!

Allison Martin

Light of Grace Recovery LCC

Licensed Eating Disorder Recovery Intuitive Therapy Practitioner

 Certified Eating Disorder Recovery Coach 

(269) 241-2211

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