From there I still felt there was a greater purpose to come from my story. Based on my knowledge on Mental Health and my previous major area of study in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in college, I was asked by the National Alliance on Mental Illness to become a Certified in Peer Support and Mental Health Educator where I spent the next three years. Then, an opportunity presented itself for an education specifically in the field for eating disorders and I spent two years studying through the Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy Institute in Colorado until I graduated to become a Certified Eating Disorder Recovery Coach and began my own recovery practice December 2022.
My story is hope and the heart of “my why” to become a resource to help anyone struggling with any type of an Eating Disorder, self-image issues, or co-occurring Mental Health conditions with related disordered symptoms, learn how to heal through the steps of recovery and guide them towards the light of long-term full wellness.
My Story
My name is Allison Martin – I am a Certified Eating Disorder Recovery Coach and the licensed Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy Practitioner of Light of Grace LLC.
The history of how my story developed connects back to my childhood but the life changing chapter later in life led me to this after a traumatic situation triggered an Eating Disorder to nearly cost me my life. In 2014 my parents were told I had four months to live, there was no place for inpatient care in state to help and my case was too high risk and critical for out of state care, so I was put in Hospice care.
Thankfully by the Grace of God, my strong-willed spirit to survive, and having a caring support system surrounding me in a safe environment, I fought with everything I had believing my story wasn’t over. Two long years after were spent working everyday to regain my strength learning to re-nourish myself with an intuitive whole foods nutrition approach, utilizing any available holistic healing methods, and tons of time spent in many types of therapy, until I finally reached a healthy stabilized state inside & out.